In my opinion one direction is a unique group band and attractive group band. In Indonesia, one direction successes captivate Indonesian teenager especially female. I am not really fanatic to this group band but theirs song are not really bad and I am like to hear it.One direction has been started their popularity in 2011. It had been beginning when their followed talent show contest or we can call it “X-Factor” contest in their country. I am agree with theirs X-factor, because they were easy captivate everyone who watch their performed.I think their popularity really fast and make them to be one of top artists. It could be proven when performed at Kids Choice Award 2012 also won for favorite music group and song for "What Makes You Beautiful,"This group band comes from UK and successes compete the popularity of Korean boy band which still be loved by Indonesian teenager. For example are Super Junior and Big Bang. All personnel of one direction have good physical appearance and charisma. Their ages are still teenager about 20 years old, this is also factor why they easy to loved by teenager. One of their fans says that one direction always active in social networking. This is made their fans easily to get interaction with them.One direction personnel have high body, clean face without acne, white skin and theirs handsome no less than Korean group band. This is one of their popularity factors which can raises them in Indonesian music chart. But I think most of group band especially boy group band, handsome and high body are important thing because it can captivate people more easily.In my opinion, theirs voice are not good as professional singer I have known. But theirs song are really easy and so relaxed when someone heard it. For the example “what’s make you beautiful”. This song is easy to be heard, although I never get the main content of this songJ. This is the reason why so many teenager especially female, easy to loved this boy band.
Minggu, 09 Juni 2013
In my opinion one direction is a unique group band and attractive group band. In Indonesia, one direction successes captivate Indonesian teenager especially female. I am not really fanatic to this group band but theirs song are not really bad and I am like to hear it.One direction has been started their popularity in 2011. It had been beginning when their followed talent show contest or we can call it “X-Factor” contest in their country. I am agree with theirs X-factor, because they were easy captivate everyone who watch their performed.I think their popularity really fast and make them to be one of top artists. It could be proven when performed at Kids Choice Award 2012 also won for favorite music group and song for "What Makes You Beautiful,"This group band comes from UK and successes compete the popularity of Korean boy band which still be loved by Indonesian teenager. For example are Super Junior and Big Bang. All personnel of one direction have good physical appearance and charisma. Their ages are still teenager about 20 years old, this is also factor why they easy to loved by teenager. One of their fans says that one direction always active in social networking. This is made their fans easily to get interaction with them.One direction personnel have high body, clean face without acne, white skin and theirs handsome no less than Korean group band. This is one of their popularity factors which can raises them in Indonesian music chart. But I think most of group band especially boy group band, handsome and high body are important thing because it can captivate people more easily.In my opinion, theirs voice are not good as professional singer I have known. But theirs song are really easy and so relaxed when someone heard it. For the example “what’s make you beautiful”. This song is easy to be heard, although I never get the main content of this songJ. This is the reason why so many teenager especially female, easy to loved this boy band.
Their ability has been recognized
by all the judge of X-Factor contest in their country. The way they sing and dance should be appreciated,
because not all people can do it perfectly as they are. They can keep
concentrate with dancing while music still playing. As I know from social
media, all personnel of one direction can play a music instrument. Niall
Horrans also write on his tumblr: “I sing and
play an instrument with six strings on
it!” So, it can prove that they can play a music instrument.
they singing while dancing, they wear casual clothes. The casual clothes can
make them easily dancing and moving. Although they always have unique accessories,
such as Zyan Malik. He usually wears a casual jacket it looks matching with his casual clothes. Niall Horan
who usually wears
simple casual clothes “keep it simple when it comes to personal style” said Niall on his tumblr. For other personnel they have their own unique accessories. One
direction it’s quietly unique. Because one of them has difference religions,
Zyan Malik. He is a Muslim and the others are Christian. But it is not a
problem and they still tolerance. With this difference they
keep solidarity and
still loved by their fans. *oke gw berharap Mrs ##### mau menghargai hasil curhatan ancur gw yang satu ini
One direction euforia (kepaksa karena tugas)
In my opinion one direction is a unique group band and attractive group band. In Indonesia, one direction successes captivate Indonesian teenager especially female. I am not really fanatic to this group band but theirs song are not really bad and I am like to hear it.One direction has been started their popularity in 2011. It had been beginning when their followed talent show contest or we can call it “X-Factor” contest in their country. I am agree with theirs X-factor, because they were easy captivate everyone who watch their performed.I think their popularity really fast and make them to be one of top artists. It could be proven when performed at Kids Choice Award 2012 also won for favorite music group and song for "What Makes You Beautiful,"This group band comes from UK and successes compete the popularity of Korean boy band which still be loved by Indonesian teenager. For example are Super Junior and Big Bang. All personnel of one direction have good physical appearance and charisma. Their ages are still teenager about 20 years old, this is also factor why they easy to loved by teenager. One of their fans says that one direction always active in social networking. This is made their fans easily to get interaction with them.One direction personnel have high body, clean face without acne, white skin and theirs handsome no less than Korean group band. This is one of their popularity factors which can raises them in Indonesian music chart. But I think most of group band especially boy group band, handsome and high body are important thing because it can captivate people more easily.In my opinion, theirs voice are not good as professional singer I have known. But theirs song are really easy and so relaxed when someone heard it. For the example “what’s make you beautiful”. This song is easy to be heard, although I never get the main content of this songJ. This is the reason why so many teenager especially female, easy to loved this boy band.
Selasa, 06 November 2012
di antaranya…..
1. Perlapisan/Bedding
Disebut juga emaknya
batuan sedimen.Abis, kalau ada batu punya perlapisan, langsung bisa ketahuan kalau
itu batuan sedimen! Ngomong-ngomong, kok bisa sih batuan berlapis-lapis kayak
lapis legit?
Itu karena penulis
asalnya dari Malang… (lahhganyambung)
Ehem, bidang perlapisan
terbentuk jika terdapat suatu periode singkat di mana proses deposisi
(pengendapan) menjadi sedikit sekali. Kata kuncinya disini singkat, karena kalau
terlalu lama, apalagi sampai terbentuk bidangerosi, ini sudah menjadi ketidakselarasan atau
unconformity. Oya, bidang perlapisan juga bisa terbentuk kalau ada perubahan lingkungan
2. Laminasi
Ini cucunya perlapisan…
cuz laminasi adalah perlapisan yang tipiiiis banget, dari beberapa mili sampai
1 cm. Ini biasanya terbentuk kalau suplai sedimennya sangat sedikit.Contoh:
endapan silika di dasarlaut.
laminasi yang
tampak “terlipat” (pernahkeluar di OSN 2008). Struktur convolute lamination inimunculbukankarenaperlipatanakibatgaya
endogen loh, melainkanakibatpengaruharus yang mengalir di sekitarnyaatauakibat
proses dewatering /liquefaksi (sedimenkehilangankandungan air
secaratiba-tibaakibatterkenagangguan). Kehilangan air yang tiba-tibainimembuatsedimenkehilangankekuatannya.Nah,
gangguantadiberupa stress (tekanan) yang disebabkanolehberbagaimacamhal,
salahsatunya yang seringterjadiialaholehgempabumi.
3. SilangSiur/Cross-bedding
inibisaarussungai, aruslaut, angin, dll. Yang namanyaarusjelaspunyaarah
dong..karenaitustruktursilangsiursangat disayang-sayangahligeologi karenabergunauntukmenentukanpaleocurrent alias aruspurba.
Gakcumaituaja, silangsiurjugabisamemberitahukitamanabagianatasperlapisandanmanabagianbawahnya.Dengan
kata lain, diapenanda top and bottom gituloh!
di dalamperlapisanadaperlapisan! Wow, cute dan smart ya?! XD
4. Mud Cracks
Kretak-kretak… pas
zamannya El Nino melanda Indonesia,
kitaseringngelihatsawah-sawahmengeringsampairetak-retak… itulah mud
cracks.Permukaanlumpur yang di-oven sinarmatahariakanmemperlihatkanstruktur mud
cracks. Kalautidakterjadipembalikanlapisan, biasanyatampaksamping mud cracks
berbentuktrapesiumdengansisi di ataslebihpendekdaripadasisi di bawah.
Karenanya, top and bottom lapisansedimenbisaketahuan.
5. Ripple marks
Ripple marks,
samaseperti cross-bedding, disebabkanoleharus. Bedanya, ripple marks
cumabentukan yang ada di permukaanperlapisansedimen.
6. Channel
Struktur Channel
berskala meter sampai kilometer. Strukturiniterbentuk di
sepanjangjalurtransportasisedimendan air yang mengalirdalamwaktu yang
lama.Dengan kata lain, channel adalahsungaipurba.Struktur channel
bisamenunjukkan top and bottom karenabagiandasarsungaipunyabentuk yang khas.
7. Flute cast
yang terjadiakibat material-material yang
dibawaarusmenggerusbagiandasarsungai.Arussungaimempunyaiarahmenujukebagian yang
memanjang.Dengandemikian, strukturinijugapenentupaleocurrent.
di bagiandasarsuatutubuharusdanbagian yang menggembungselalu di bawah, maka
flute cast pun handaldalammenentukan top-bottom perlapisansedimen.
7. Flame Structure (check)
Dinamai flame
structure karenakenampakannyamiriplidahapi yang menjilat-jilatkeatas. Flame
structure terbentuksaatsuatulapisan mudstone berada di bawahlapisanbatupasir.Batupasirinimembebani
mudstone yang lemah, sehinggasedikitmassa mudstone di bawah “muncrat”
keatasdanmembentuk “lidah”.
8. Gradasi
Normal mempunyaikenampakanmakinkebawahukuranbutirmakinbesar.Biasanya, proses
sedimentasi normal bakalmenempatkanbutir-butir paling kasar di
bagianterbawahlapisan yang kemudianmenghaluskeatas… secara yang
gedekanlebihberat, jadilebihcepetturun. Atasdasarinilahgradasidapatdigunakansebagaipenciri
top and bottom lapisanbatuan.TETAPI,
padabeberapakasustertentubisajugaterbentukGradasiTerbalikatau Reverse Grading,
karenaitukitaperluberhati-hatikalaumemakaidasargradasisebagaiacuan top bottom.
9. Lenticular bedding
“melensa”, yaitumakinketepian, lapisanmakin tipis.Lenticular bedding
menandakanlingkungan yang didominasigelombangpasang-surut (tidal).
10. Ball and Pillow Structure
Itulah 10
struktursedimen yang lumayanumumdijumpai, disampingbelasanjenisstruktursedimenlainnya!
Source :
Jumat, 20 Juli 2012
Ceritanya mah, pas pulang dari display VOCSA di smansa.ternyata rumah di kunci dan si mama masih di pasar
Eh, ada si nyi-nying kucing penjaga pintu rumah yang lagi tiduran, yaudah deh aku gendong dan ajak narsis di kamera tapi tetep aja tampang si nyi-nyying lemes dan tidak bersemangat (muka bangun tidur ini mah)
Pas lagi foto-foto ternyata anaknya si nyi-nying dateng *jeng-jeng si moyong
ikutlah si monyong akhirnya foto bareng kita, tapi tetep aja dia mah ga bisa fokus ke kamera ==''
photo with my meo meo
Ceritanya mah, pas pulang dari display VOCSA di smansa.ternyata rumah di kunci dan si mama masih di pasar
Eh, ada si nyi-nying kucing penjaga pintu rumah yang lagi tiduran, yaudah deh aku gendong dan ajak narsis di kamera tapi tetep aja tampang si nyi-nyying lemes dan tidak bersemangat (muka bangun tidur ini mah)
Pas lagi foto-foto ternyata anaknya si nyi-nying dateng *jeng-jeng si moyong
ikutlah si monyong akhirnya foto bareng kita, tapi tetep aja dia mah ga bisa fokus ke kamera ==''
Minggu, 08 Juli 2012
Korean dan Bahasa sehari-hari
Aku Cinta Kamu = Saranghae / Saranghamnida 난 널 사랑해
Aku Suka Kamu = Choaheyo 난 널 사랑해
Selamat Ulang Tahun = Saengil Chukha Hamnida 생일 축하
Senang Bertemu Dengan Mu = Mannaseo bangapseummnida 당신을 만나서 기쁩니다
Saya Orang Indonesia = Indonesia saramimnida 내 인도네시아어 명
Saya Belajar Bahasa Korea = Naneun hangugeoreul baeunda 나는 한국어를 배웠다
Maafkan Aku = Mian ne 죄송 해요
Kalian Dari Mana ? = Neohuideureun eodieseo wanni ? 어디에서?
Boleh, Silahkan = Ne, doemnida 허용, 제발
Bagus Sekali = Maeu joseumnida 아주 좋은
Oke = Jeoseumnida 괜찮아요
Tidak = Anio 아니
Iya = Ye / Ne
Tidak Pernah = Gyeolko animnida
Aku Mengerti = Algesseoyo
Aku Nggak Tau = Mollayo
Ya, Ada = Ne, isseoyo
Siapa Nama Mu ? = Ireumi mwoyeyo?
Nama Ku Jeong Ji-Hoon = Jeo neun Jeong Ji-Hoon ieyo
Apakah Ini ? = Ige mwoyeyo?
Sangat Cantik = Cham yebbeoyo
Nggak Apa-Apa = Goenchanayo
Baik-Baik Saja, Terima Kasih= Jal jinaepida, gamsahamnida
Maaf, Tidak Tahu = Minhamnida, jal moreugesseumnida
Aku Suka Nasi Goreng = Jeoneun nasi gorengeul joahamnida
Halo = (Ucapan pembuka di telefon)
Penyanyi : Gasu
Keluarga : Gajok
Masuk Angin : Gamgi
Polisi : Gyeongchal
Kucing : Goyangi
Teman : Gongwon
Telefon Umum : Gongjungjeonhwa
Bandara : Gonghang
Kue : Gwaja
Sepatu : Gudu
Seratus : Baek
Rumah Sakit : Byeongwon
Pulpen : Bolpen
Roti : Ppal
Toko Buku : Seojeom
Restoran : Sikdang
Indah : Areumdappda
Bayi : Agi
Pagi : Achim
Koran, Surat Kabar : Sinmun
Majalah : Japji
Anak – Anak : Eorini
Rumah : Jip
Kopi : Keopi
Taksi : Taeksi
Televisi : Tellebijeon
Pesta : Pati
Hotel : Hotel
Kantor : Hoesa
Sekolah : Hakgyo 학교
SD : Chodeunghakgyo 국민 학교
SMP : Junghakgyo 중학교
SMA : Godeunghakgyo 고등학교에서의 마지막
Universitas : Daekhagyo 대학
Laki – Laki : Namja 남성
Perempuan : Yeoja 여성
Adik Laki – Laki : Namdongsaeng 젊은 남성
Adik Perempuan : Yeodongsaeng 언니
Aku Suka Kamu = Choaheyo 난 널 사랑해
Selamat Ulang Tahun = Saengil Chukha Hamnida 생일 축하
Senang Bertemu Dengan Mu = Mannaseo bangapseummnida 당신을 만나서 기쁩니다
Saya Orang Indonesia = Indonesia saramimnida 내 인도네시아어 명
Saya Belajar Bahasa Korea = Naneun hangugeoreul baeunda 나는 한국어를 배웠다
Maafkan Aku = Mian ne 죄송 해요
Kalian Dari Mana ? = Neohuideureun eodieseo wanni ? 어디에서?
Boleh, Silahkan = Ne, doemnida 허용, 제발
Bagus Sekali = Maeu joseumnida 아주 좋은
Oke = Jeoseumnida 괜찮아요
Tidak = Anio 아니
Iya = Ye / Ne
Tidak Pernah = Gyeolko animnida
Aku Mengerti = Algesseoyo
Aku Nggak Tau = Mollayo
Ya, Ada = Ne, isseoyo
Siapa Nama Mu ? = Ireumi mwoyeyo?
Nama Ku Jeong Ji-Hoon = Jeo neun Jeong Ji-Hoon ieyo
Apakah Ini ? = Ige mwoyeyo?
Sangat Cantik = Cham yebbeoyo
Nggak Apa-Apa = Goenchanayo
Baik-Baik Saja, Terima Kasih= Jal jinaepida, gamsahamnida
Maaf, Tidak Tahu = Minhamnida, jal moreugesseumnida
Aku Suka Nasi Goreng = Jeoneun nasi gorengeul joahamnida
Halo = (Ucapan pembuka di telefon)
Penyanyi : Gasu
Keluarga : Gajok
Masuk Angin : Gamgi
Polisi : Gyeongchal
Kucing : Goyangi
Teman : Gongwon
Telefon Umum : Gongjungjeonhwa
Bandara : Gonghang
Kue : Gwaja
Sepatu : Gudu
Seratus : Baek
Rumah Sakit : Byeongwon
Pulpen : Bolpen
Roti : Ppal
Toko Buku : Seojeom
Restoran : Sikdang
Indah : Areumdappda
Bayi : Agi
Pagi : Achim
Koran, Surat Kabar : Sinmun
Majalah : Japji
Anak – Anak : Eorini
Rumah : Jip
Kopi : Keopi
Taksi : Taeksi
Televisi : Tellebijeon
Pesta : Pati
Hotel : Hotel
Kantor : Hoesa
Sekolah : Hakgyo 학교
SD : Chodeunghakgyo 국민 학교
SMP : Junghakgyo 중학교
SMA : Godeunghakgyo 고등학교에서의 마지막
Universitas : Daekhagyo 대학
Laki – Laki : Namja 남성
Perempuan : Yeoja 여성
Adik Laki – Laki : Namdongsaeng 젊은 남성
Adik Perempuan : Yeodongsaeng 언니
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